Prototype courtesy of University of Michigan

The following Academy of Michigan essay examples were written by authors who were admitted to University of Michigan (UMich). All names have been redacted for anonymity. Please note that has shared these essays with admissions officers at University of Michigan in order to deter potential plagiarism.

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Draw the unique qualities that attract you lot to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which yous are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?

Writer 1

Given the excellent academic program, the University of Michigan provides a wonderful opportunity for me to acquire and abound both as a student and person. During my recent tour of campus, I was excited about the idea that I had the potential to brand a mark on this large university. Furthermore, I got the sense that at that place were many opportunities for me to create a community, excel in a variety of bookish and leadership areas, and gear up myself for an heady and fulfilling career.

I am most interested in the Program in Biological science within the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. As an gorging life science student with a bully interest in ecology science and biodiversity, I am most interested in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology major. In my AP biology form, for instance, the lab I constitute nearly interesting involved animal behavior with response to wet and dry environments. As a pupil within the Section of EEB, I would be able to learn more about biodiversity and the history of life on earth. The depth and breadth of the curriculum, including classes such as Animals Operation in Environments and Animal Variety, would be particularly interesting to me. Another heady unique opportunity is the University of Michigan'due south Biological Station in the Great Lakes region. As a member of a research team, I would be able to examine natural habitats and practice lab experiments in the field. I am more than excited to exist part of such a scientific community. I am also interested in exploring forest succession and ecosystem processes through the Forest Ecosystem Report. Furthermore, I would be interested in studying away during my time at Michigan. I program that interested me was the CGIS trip to the London Schoolhouse of Economic science and Political Sciences where I could further my study of biology, only in a new setting. Michigan's strength of curricular and hands-on opportunities would certainly offer me ways to keep and develop my involvement in biological science.

Outside of the classroom and field, I would similar to share my enthusiasm about biology with like-minded students by joining the Biology Student Alliance and Lodge of Biology Students. And, while not straight related to biological science and environmental, as a Michigan pupil, I look forward to joining the Michigan Academics Competition. Equally helm of my school's Academic team, a Quiz Basin fashion trivia contest, I savour researching and recalling scientific discipline (and history) facts. As a biological science student, I am confident that I would get one of the biology specialists on the Michigan Academics Contest and Quiz Bowl Team.

Michigan'due south incredible opportunities within the Programme of Biology would enable me to accept access to a earth course education. Furthermore, the unique field experience and research opportunities would enable me to make my mark on the Academy.

Why this University of Michigan essay worked, according to an ex-admissions officer

In this essay, the author begins past praising the University's academics and then expresses how much of an opportunity it would exist to go to matriculate at UMich. They uses energetic words and direct verbs. The sentences exude intention. In the beginning paragraph alone, this student tells united states that they will hold dear an opportunity to attend UMich. They inform us that they volition benefit as a person and a scholar and volition also give back to the customs while on campus.

The author then goes on to tell usa what programs they would similar to join at UMich. Still while doing so, the author interjects their ain interests, talents and experiences. By doing this, nosotros can clearly come across that the author has the curiosity and ability to finer join these classes and programs. The author renders their own experiences in 3 dimensions, making it articulate that they would exist an excellent candidate.

The writer walks the states through exactly what they plan to report and how they hope to integrate into the customs. This inspires confidence in us as readers.

This educatee would be an avid contributor to UMich. Though the essay is directly, information technology has complexity and ends by reiterating that this educatee intends to brand an touch.


I always had a bully interest in numbers, probability, and finance. Early, I could run numbers quickly: calculating sales tax, analyzing probabilities, and visualizing complex mathematical models in my head. Afterward taking 2 AP classes in economics and one in statistics, I became increasingly intrigued with the mathematical representations of the different product and labor markets of the economy and modeling statistical outcomes, sparking my desire to pursue a career in that field through preferred action admission to Ross. Thus, I have prepare my sights on becoming an actuary since risk management is highly intriguing and allows me to utilise my talents in mathematical and statistical assay likewise as in written and exact advice. The curriculum at Ross, coupled with the liberal arts requirements, volition provide me with the necessary background to pursue my career goals.

At Ross, I will accept the privilege of pursuing a Bachelor in Business Administration, providing me with a well-rounded background in management and economic analysis. I am particularly looking forrad to the TO 301: Concern Analytics and Statistics form taught past Dr. Shimi Nassiri, as it develops the skills of proper statistical and economic analysis and subsequent decision making. As well, it provides in-class experience of analyzing and modelling real information sets. I am also invested in Dr. Nassiri research of more efficient and effective healthcare solutions. Every bit a Hispanic teenager, I feel very strongly virtually Dr. Shima Nassiri research on health care every bit it profoundly impacts both the Hispanic and other minority communities. I am besides eager for the 360° Thinking portion of the Ross curriculum. Specially, the inferior year grade MO 300: Behavioral Theory in Management greatly intrigues me. It entails an in depth analysis of societal trends and how to develop creative and efficient responses as a manager. This class would provide a strong foundation for me in the analysis of social sciences and how they intertwine with economics. Additionally, what draws me to Ross is the emphasis on teambuilding and leadership skills which play a crucial role in molding successful business leaders in today's rapidly changing globe economy. My feel as a faculty-selected "Peer Leader" at Manalapan High School has provided a gateway into the fundamentals of leadership, and I wait forward to expanding my skills through the unique leadership portion of the Ross curriculum equally well as diverse leadership programs, such as the Leadership Feel Program (LDRx). The opportunity to develop both the tangible and intangible skills, which separate the accomplished leaders from the remainder of the pack, will aid me to create meaningful relationships both in the business earth and the greater world community.

While I expect to acquire a great deal at Ross, I feel my upbringing volition permit me to contribute to Ross. I grew upwardly surrounded by Latin salsa, spices, sights, and sounds, just that was not all. Since my parents immigrated from Republic of cuba, I grew up with stories of the political and economic struggles my family faced. It is through these stories that I have gained an understanding of the influence of leadership and the importance of economical and statistical analysis to abound an economy. I promise to share my cultural groundwork and perspective as a Hispanic human at Ross.

Why this University of Michigan essay worked, co-ordinate to an ex-admissions officer

This essay leaves me with absolutely no doubt that this educatee belongs on the Ross campus at UMich. He begins very directly by telling us near himself and his skill gear up. He gives u.s. a cursory evolution of his mathematical interests — how they started and where he volition direct them.

He has researched Ross, knows i of their leading professors, knows her academic body of work, knows the specific classes, and has fabricated himself a four year plan regarding what he will take and to which programs he volition add. He very articulately describes this progression. The reader tin can clearly imagine him every bit an enthusiastic participant.

Intermittently, this educatee references how his education will exist applied in healthcare and leadership capacities. He too shares his Cuban culture with us, reminding u.s.a. that he is more than only academics. Finally, he finishes with a proud conclusion he will be a Hispanic Ross Man. How could we question that?

These University of Michigan essay examples were compiled by the advising squad at If you lot want to get help writing your University of Michigan awarding essays from Admissions Experts, register with today.